Leading the Data-Driven Transformation: The CIO & The New Age of Data Quality
The Dawn of the Data-Driven Business
Bereich: Whitepaper
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.”
These opening lines of Charles Dickens’ novel “A Tale of Two Cities” referred to the turbulent days of the French Revolution, reflecting Dickens’ ambivalence toward the dramatic events that characterized it. He hoped that it had the potential to change the world for the better, but he was also concerned that it threatened to replace order with upheaval, anarchy and chaos.
Today’s Chief Information Officers (CIOs) may share these sentiments. Many CIOs recognize that they, too, live in uncertain times. The evolving digital revolution was once the primary reason for a CIO’s existence, but advanced digitization is now seen as a threat to the future of their role in the organization. Having spent their careers creating and running closely managed and controlled Information Technology (IT) systems, platforms and networks to serve their businesses, this new age of digitization creates risks and uncertainties for CIOs that could ultimately undermine their position and that of the IT functions they lead.
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Harte-Hanks Trillium Software