Report: Industrial Analytics 2016/2017 - The current state of data analytics usage in industrial companies
Bereich: Whitepaper
Industrial Analytics is evolving from an isolated business function towards a strategic capability that impacts the future competitiveness in any industrial business.
Today, we are facing a data-driven world that is changing faster than ever before. A large number of new methods, tools and technologies are finding their way into
management circles, often accompanied by a variety of abstract buzzwords.
For now, the world of data analytics seems to be dominated by visions rather than large-scale implementations. Reality shows that Industrial Analytics still has
a long way to go before it is finally becoming that strategic and scalable business capability that it is promising to be.
Therefore, the Digital Analytics Association Germany set out to better understand the current status of data analytics in industrial settings and its role within
today’s discussions on the Internet of Things and other initiatives such as “Industrie 4.0”.
- Results from an in-depth industry survey of 151 analytics professionals and decision-makers in industrial companies
- Introductions to Industrial Analytics, its relation to the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, how analytics has evolved over time, what Machine Learning is and what value and paradigm shifts Industrial Analytics brings to the industry
- 3 prime case studies of actual Industrial Analytics projects (in the areas of energy, healthcare, and automotive)
- Further insights into aspects such as how to organize for Industrial Analytics, which skills to build up and how to approach these projects.
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise