Bereich(e): Whitepaper
There are few technological innovations that present businesses with opportunity to the extent that machine learning (ML) does.
Things like deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, probability programming and data engineering can deliver...
Traditionelle Warehousing-Lösungen und Analyse-Werkzeuge können mit den aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen im Bereich Business Intelligence und Big Data nicht mehr umgehen. Um digitale Innovationen in etablierten Unternehmen zu ermöglichen...
Digital transformation has led to complex environments that continuously generate new data. As a result, organizations are left unsure about how to best use their data to foster growth and edge out the competition. It’s not enough to just have...
This guide is intended to provide a high-level overview of recommendation engines, how they’re built, and how they can be used to improve businesses across industries, from media to e-commerce and more. By the end, readers should have an...
From the early days of IT, organizations have grappled with the challenges of understanding how well their infrastructure is performing in support of the business. They have used a plethora of tools to detect, manage and resolve problems that are...
Big data is about changing the status quo for established organizations and fueling the growth of new and disruptive businesses. Big data projects focus on enabling analysis of and interaction with new types and combinations of data at a far greater...
Die Studie untersucht die Relevanz von Daten und des effizienten Datenmanagements für BI und Analytik. Als Kernthemen werden die notwendigen Voraussetzungen, der Umsetzungsstatus, Hemmnisse und Herausforderungen sowie Investitionsthemen beleuchtet,...
Die meisten IT-Unternehmen setzen auf Event Management als zentrale Methode zum Erkennen und Beheben von Fehlern und Problemen. Bei den heutigen Tools liegt der Schwerpunkt jedoch hauptsächlich auf der Verwaltung des Event-Volumens und...
Artificial intelligence is spreading beyond the technology sector, with big consequences for companies, workers and consumers, says Alexandra Suich Bass
LIE DETECTORS ARE not widely used in business, but Ping An, a Chinese insurance company, thinks it...
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing the very meaning of data analytics. Some say the rise of AI and machine learning heralds a new industrial revolution. This Database Trends and Applications article explains the imminent...