

Bereich(e): Whitepaper


Wie Big Data Analytics die Geschäftswelt transformieren

Alle zwei Jahre verdoppelt sich die Menge der digital verfügbaren Daten.
Das allein ist schon beeindruckend. Noch interessanter ist jedoch die Tatsache, dass Unternehmen diese Daten sammeln und...

With billions of devices - including cars, homes, airplanes, apparels, parking meters, wearables, factories, oil rigs, and heavy machinery - connected to the internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to be the most disruptive...

The thirst for new data and insight back

Back in late 2012, a report1 on a study into the lifespan of companies in the S&P 500 Index produced a pretty shocking statistic, which was that the average lifespan of an S&P 500 company had shrunk from...

Yes, “big data” is already a cliché. But it’s also reality.

If you’re not already modernizing your data management infrastructure, you are laying the groundwork to be perennially behind—struggling to interpret this newer way of thinking about, and...

Industrial Analytics is evolving from an isolated business function towards a strategic capability that impacts the future competitiveness in any industrial business.

Today, we are facing a data-driven world that is changing faster than ever before. A...

Why are enterprises choosing data warehouses in the cloud?

What are the advantages and what kinds of data warehousing and ETL projects should an enterprise choose first? Where does a cloud data warehouse fit within an enterprise’s analytics?


In allen Branchen ist Cyber-Sicherheit momentan das Gesprächsthema. Sicherheitsverletzungen verursachen Kosten – im Schnitt 200 US-Dollar pro verlorenem Kundendatensatz1, bei verlorenem geistigem Eigentum sogar noch mehr. Zukunftsorientierte...

Everybody expects their Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics solution to turn data into insights. But your data is only as good as your ability to understand and share it.

This guide to best practice data visualization will walk you through how...

Wenn Chirurgen einen Operationssaal betreten, brauchen Sie die Antwort auf eine Frage, die unter Umständen über Leben und Tod entscheidet: Ist der Patient anfällig für Infektionen?
In den USA zieht sich in etwa jeder 20. Krankenhauspatient eine...

Dell analytics solution helps aluminium manufacturer increase production, reduce energy consumption and improve productivity.

Thinking big comes naturally for aluminium manufacturers - and not only when they are the largest companies in the field....